Welcome to Prague

Capital city of the Czech Republic

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Prague spires

Why Prague?

Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires

Looking at the Czech capital from the gates of Prague Castle located high above the city, one cannot be surprised by the nickname "Prague the city of a hundred spires". Although the actual number of spires and towers in Prague ranges from 500 to over 1,000. It was most likely the obscure Austrian historian Josef Hormayr who first penned the phrase, in the early 19th century. It was also around that time that mathematician and philosopher Bernard Bolzano counted Prague’s towers and gave them the nickname.

Even though Prague has other nicknames such as "matka měst" – "mother of all cities", "zlatá Praha" – "golden Prague", "srdce Evropy" - "the heart of Europe", "kamenný sen" - "a stone dream" or "perla měst" - "the pearl of cities", the 100-spired nickname is used the most. Therefore when you visit Prague you should try to see and visit as many towers as you can. The most popular ones are easy to find.

Food & drink

My Favorite Places to Eat and Drink

Lokál Dlouhá

Historically the first and literally the longest Lokál - it measures 73 meters on which they serve beer from 12 tanks and where up to 1500 guests visit daily. Thanks to its busy address in Prague’s city center, it is always full and lively, therefore you should probably book a table before you visit.


Dlouhá 33, 110 00 Prague 1

What I like about it

This place is one of the best places to try delicious traditional Czech food and the best beer. The atmosphere of this place is great.

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Cukrář Skála

If you enjoy something sweet with your coffee or just something sweet on its own, or maybe you need a birthday cake for a party you’re planning, Cukrář Skála is the place to go for all things dessert. It offers high-quality desserts of both traditional and completely innovative tastes.


V Celnici 1034/6, 110 00 Prague 1

What I like about it

Everything is so delicious and freshly made. You can see the pastry chefs working their magic inside. You will want to try everything.

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Dva kohouti

This place combines two crafts in one space: brewing and bartending. Local Lager is brewed in the morning, and the bartenders take over in the afternoon. The two-color logo represents the union of these two worlds – red for beer brewing and blue for serving.


Sokolovská 81/55, 186 00 Prague 8

What I like about it

The best place to go for a local beer with your friends. Just be prepared for the number of beer choices you will want to try them all.

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Capturing the Beauty of Prague